» » Conditionals.


Алимкулова Камала Кудратиллаевна

93 Абылай хан атындағы жалпы орта мектебі
Ахылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Түркістан облысы, Сайрам ауданы

Срок 2  

Блок 3 «Наша планета» 

Школа: №93 имени Абылайхана

Дата: 14.12.22.

Имя преподавателя: Алимкулова Камала

9 класс «Ә» 

Количество присутствующих: 

Номер отсутствует:0

Тема урока:

Условные обозначения.

Цели обучения 

9.S5 взаимодействует со сверстниками для переговоров, согласования и организации приоритетов и планов выполнения классных заданий.

9.W3 пишет с умеренной грамматической точностью на широкий круг знакомых общих и учебных тем.

9.UE17 use if only /wish [that] clauses [past reference]; use a variety of relative clauses including prepositions from where, to whom on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives 

All learners will be able to:

Construct the sentences using second conditional to talk about imaginary situations with support.

Identify the difference between first and second conditionals.

Most learners will be able to:

Construct the sentences using second conditional to talk about imaginary situations with minimal support.

Some learners will be able to: 

Apply first and second conditionals to talk about what they would do in likely or unlikely situations without support.

Assessment criteria

Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.

Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics.

Differentiate between if/unless in first conditional clauses.

Value links

Respecting and protecting the environment.

Cross curricular links


Previous learning

First conditional

Use of ICT

Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the audio, video files.

Health and Safety

Switch off the active board if you do not use it.

If students are tired, do physical exercise with them.

Open the window to refresh the air in the classroom during the break.


Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning the     lesson


The lesson greeting.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Then they are divided into 3 groups: Situation, result, condition

Warm up.                                                                                                      Now, it’s a great time to begin the lesson with a song.  The following song by the Barenaked Ladies, It’s called, “If I had a Million Dollars.” After watching the video, teacher will ask some questions: “What would the singer of the song buy or do if he had a million dollars?” There are lots of examples in the video, including: a house, a car (K-Car), a tree-fort (with a fridge), a fur coat (not a real one), an exotic pet (llama or emu), John Merrick’s remains, crazy elephant bones, your love, expensive ketchups, art, and a monkey.                                                                                 Some good conversations can be result from this video.

A video “If I had a Million Dollars.”

Main Activities

Group work

Individual work





“Find another word”






















“Chain Story”




Task 1

Exercise 1, at page 37 (SB) 

Fill in: would, taxed. raise, they’d throw, use, would, use, they’ll throw, raised, used.

1 If you _____ people who don’t recycle,  _____ away less.

2 What _____ you do if you were president?

3 People ____ public transport if we ____ the price of petrol.

Descriptor: a learner should

  • Read the rules
  • Copmplete the sentences


Differentiation by outcome:

  • All learners will read the rules;
  • Most of them will complete the table;
  • Some of them will answer the questions..
  • Groups’ assessment using of stars.

Task 2 

Exercise 2, at page 37 (SB) Choose the correct words

1 If we banned violent games, people would still play them.

2 If politicians played football, would people think they were cool?

3 If people didn’t have cars, they would be healthier.

4 We wouldn’t vote for you, if you stood for president?

5. I would buy a new computer If I had more more money.

6. Would you buy a new car if you had a lot of money?


Differentiation by support:

  • All learners will read the sentences;
  • Most of them will choose one of two;
  • Some of them will translate the sentences  and  answer

the questions..

Descriptor: a learner should

  • Choose the correct words;
  • Fill in the blanks

Pair assessment by stickers


Task 3 

Order the words to make sentences. There is one word or phrase in each sentence that you don’t need. Revision of the First conditional.

Group “Situation”

 1. Unless you  wear a coat, you would catch a could

 (would have)

2. If there isn’t any snow, we will go skiing, (ban)

Group “Result” 

  • If he is late for work again, his boss will fire him. (postcard)
  • Unless we hurry, we will miss our bus. (would read)

Group “ Condition”

  • Unless you pay attention in class, you won’t understand the lesson.
  • (enough money)
  • If the police catch the robber, they will take him to jail.
  • (sweets)

Descriptor: a learner should

  • Make up sentences;
  • Find another words.
  • Read correctly.

Teacher’s assessment by fingers






Task 4 

Create a Round Robin chain story with the class.. For example:
1   If we had no school today, I would go to the beach.
2   If I went to the beach, I would fall asleep in the sand.
3   If I fell asleep in the sand, I would get a sunburn                                                              4   If I got a sunburn, I would stay at home                                                                  5   If I stayed at home, I would play computer games                                                                                     6   If I played computer games, I would lose a lot of time                                                               7   If I lost a lot of time, I wouldn’t meet my friends                                                             8   If I didn’t meet my friends, I would be bored                                                                                          9   If I were bored, I would go for a walk                                                                                       10   If I went for a walk, I would take my dog with me                                                                     11   If I took  my dog with me, people would be afraid of my dog                                                                    12   If  people were  afraid of my dog, I would be happy.

Descriptor: a learner should:        

  • Create a chain;                                                                                     
  • Make up sentences;
  • To construct the story, 
  •  use the second part, or main clause, of the previous student’s sentence to begin their sentence with an if-clause in the second conditional

Teacher’s assessment by stickers




Slide 1



Slide 2


Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

End the lesson


Giving the hometask. WB p.25 ex 2-3


How well do I understand?


i   End


Feedback: Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Additional information

Differentiation –

how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment –

how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

Дифференциация может быть достигнута по задачам (выбор учебных материалов и ресурсов с учетом сильных сторон учащихся).

По поддержке. Менее способные ученики будут получать поддержку с помощью пошаговых инструкций, графических органайзеров, рамок предложений, глоссариев, предоставления времени на размышление. Обучение в малых группах. 

Благодаря результату, обеспечивающему вызов, разнообразие и выбор.

Наблюдайте за учащимися, когда они участвуют в использовании английского языка.

Запишите, что, по их мнению, они узнали на уроке. Смогут ли они выразить то, что узнали о содержании и языке? Могли ли они выразить, какие навыки они развили?

Формативное оценивание проводится посредством наблюдения/мониторинга.

Учащиеся мыслят критически, исследуют, развивают, оценивают и делают выбор в отношении своих собственных идей и идей других.







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