1. Name the different types of festivals
2. Describe one of the musical event
3. Identify facts and the correct answers

MATCH column 1-8 with a-i
Verbs |
1.Take place |
2 buy tickets |
3 gather |
4 perform |
5 make |
6 attract |
7 need |
8 sell |
words |
A Colorful suits and masks |
B tourists |
C Indian clothes |
D food |
F locals |
G festivals |
H presentation |
I holiday |

MATCH column 1-8 with a-i
•1 Take place
•2 buy tickets
•3 gather
•4 perform
•5 make
•6 attract
•7 need
•8 sell
•G festivals
•I holiday
•F locals
•H presentation
•A colorful suits and masks
• B tourists
•C Indian clothes
•D food

•An enormous crowd •Огромная толпа
•Charge of energy •Заряд энергии
•A shaking machine •Дефибриллятор
•Carnival •Карнавал
•Townspeople •Горожане/местные жители
/ locals •Посвященный
•Dedicated•Free of charge •бесплатно
A learner :
where is the event- 1 point
peculiarities of the event - 1 point
Special clothes - 1 point
Nice and neat presentation – 1 point
Speaking without mistakes -1 point

Assessment: by descriptors
•where is the event- 1 point
• peculiarities of the event - 1 point
• Special clothes - 1 point
• Nice and neat presentation – 1 point
• Speaking without mistakes -1 point

I can/can’t name the different types of festivals
I can/can’t describe the main ideas of festivals
I can/can’t summarizes the text and present the information from the text.

Заместитель директора по УВР,
учитель английского языка
КГУ ШГ№24 г. Экибастуз
Марал Сабеева