» » Plan of the lesson

Plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson: The best of  the best!

The aims of the lesson: 

1. The development of skills to work in a team and to make joint decisions.

2. Development of creative abilities of pupils, training memory, thinking.

3. Raising the interest to the subject, the development of active personality.

The type of the lesson: extracurricular lesson

The methods of the lesson: vocabulary, clarity, heuristic, the tasks  for the development of creativity

The visual aids: tongue twisters, posters with pictures of animals, puzzles, presentation.

Intersubject communications: Kazakh, Russia

                       Organization moment         

I. Greeting:

Good afternoon pupils! How are you today? What’s the weather like today?

Are you ready for the lesson? If  you are ready let’s start our lesson.

Before it we must divide our class into two teams. The first team will be called Micky and the second team will be Mouse.

II. Speech drill:

 So,let’s practice our tongue . I prepared some tongue twisters for you let’s repeat them:

She sells sea- shells on the sea-shore.

I scream,you scream,we all scream for ice-cream!

Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry?

Why, Willy?Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Now,we must make own tongue twisters by choosing one letter from alphabets. For example:

Bored Betty brought a bit of bread.

II. The main stage.

1. Make your magic stair using the letter.

S ( on the sample)  

C                         S










III. Work with cards : 

a) wildlife

b) Describing animals

IV. I like grammar

  Make the sentence

1. like an apple I

2. fine we are

3.  name is Asel my

4. сенің кім атың?

5. балықты жақсы коресіңбе сен?

V.  I know English words

a) Make up the word





b) Find similar words

Small – little    

Holiday        beautiful

Long          pretty   Candy       

Tall           sweet

Vacation        powerful


c) Are there polyglots among you?

1.Translate into  english “ Кітапты оқы”

2. Do you know how to greet a person in Russia?

3. Translate into the french “ сәлем,рахмет”

 VI. I am an interpreter

a) Mime the phrases

I have got a stomachache.

I have got a toothache.

I have got a headache.

b) Friendly numbers

6, 1, 19, 8, 9, 15, 14

8, 15, 12, 9, 4, 1, 25

5, 14, 7, 12, 9, 19, 8

c) Read the message

Gr 8 2 hear from U
How R U
B @ home
C U 

d) Translate into English

Ол алманы жақсы көреді.

 Қалың қалай?

Олар мектепке барады.

Warm-up. Let’s sing “Clap your hands”

Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together
Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together

Stamp, stamp stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together
Stamp, stamp stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together

Tap, tap tap your toes
Tap your toes together
Tap, tap tap your toes
Tap your toes together

Blink, blink, blink your eyes
Blink your eyes together
Blink, blink, blink your eyes
Blink your eyes together

VII.  Decode the proverb 

VIII. Puzzle time

IX. This text is not ready for publication.                   

                                Edit the text.


 X. Write as more words as you can for 3 minutes 


Teacher:This was the last task. Now let’s sum up your scores and define the winner of today’s marathon. So, the winners are …! Did you like today’s lesson? Did you like games? Thank you for the today’s competition and good bye!

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